full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Carl Honoré: In praise of slowness

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And for me, I gseus, the litmus test for whether this would work, and what it would mean, was always going to be bedtime soirtes, because that's sort of where the jruoney began. And there too the news is rosy. You know, at the end of the day, I go into my son's room. I don't wear a wtcah. I switch off my cmupeotr, so I can't hear the email pinging into the basket, and I just slow down to his pace and we read. And because children have their own tempo and internal clock, they don't do quality time, where you schedule 10 minutes for them to open up to you. They need you to move at their rhythm. I find that 10 minutes into a sotry, you know, my son will seldnudy say, "You know, something happened in the playground today that really behetrod me." And we'll go off and have a conversation on that. And I now find that bedtime stories used to be a box on my to-do list, something that I dreaded, because it was so slow and I had to get through it quickly. It's become my rweard at the end of the day, something I really cherish. And I have a kind of Hollywood ending to my talk this afternoon, which goes a little bit like this:

Open Cloze

And for me, I _____, the litmus test for whether this would work, and what it would mean, was always going to be bedtime _______, because that's sort of where the _______ began. And there too the news is rosy. You know, at the end of the day, I go into my son's room. I don't wear a _____. I switch off my ________, so I can't hear the email pinging into the basket, and I just slow down to his pace and we read. And because children have their own tempo and internal clock, they don't do quality time, where you schedule 10 minutes for them to open up to you. They need you to move at their rhythm. I find that 10 minutes into a _____, you know, my son will ________ say, "You know, something happened in the playground today that really ________ me." And we'll go off and have a conversation on that. And I now find that bedtime stories used to be a box on my to-do list, something that I dreaded, because it was so slow and I had to get through it quickly. It's become my ______ at the end of the day, something I really cherish. And I have a kind of Hollywood ending to my talk this afternoon, which goes a little bit like this:


  1. bothered
  2. stories
  3. story
  4. suddenly
  5. reward
  6. watch
  7. journey
  8. guess
  9. computer

Original Text

And for me, I guess, the litmus test for whether this would work, and what it would mean, was always going to be bedtime stories, because that's sort of where the journey began. And there too the news is rosy. You know, at the end of the day, I go into my son's room. I don't wear a watch. I switch off my computer, so I can't hear the email pinging into the basket, and I just slow down to his pace and we read. And because children have their own tempo and internal clock, they don't do quality time, where you schedule 10 minutes for them to open up to you. They need you to move at their rhythm. I find that 10 minutes into a story, you know, my son will suddenly say, "You know, something happened in the playground today that really bothered me." And we'll go off and have a conversation on that. And I now find that bedtime stories used to be a box on my to-do list, something that I dreaded, because it was so slow and I had to get through it quickly. It's become my reward at the end of the day, something I really cherish. And I have a kind of Hollywood ending to my talk this afternoon, which goes a little bit like this:

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
slow food 3
bedtime stories 2
finish line 2
slow movement 2
food movement 2
awful lot 2
slow sex 2
developed world 2
adrenaline rush 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
slow food movement 2

Important Words

  1. afternoon
  2. basket
  3. bedtime
  4. began
  5. bit
  6. bothered
  7. box
  8. cherish
  9. children
  10. clock
  11. computer
  12. conversation
  13. day
  14. dreaded
  15. email
  16. find
  17. guess
  18. happened
  19. hear
  20. hollywood
  21. internal
  22. journey
  23. kind
  24. list
  25. litmus
  26. minutes
  27. move
  28. news
  29. open
  30. pace
  31. pinging
  32. playground
  33. quality
  34. quickly
  35. read
  36. reward
  37. rhythm
  38. room
  39. rosy
  40. schedule
  41. slow
  42. son
  43. sort
  44. stories
  45. story
  46. suddenly
  47. switch
  48. talk
  49. tempo
  50. test
  51. time
  52. today
  53. watch
  54. wear
  55. work